• Ignite Creativity does not have a physical base and instead works across a variety of partners in Calderdale. Our Youth Voice project is currently based at Everybody Arts, Halifax, HX3 9ET.

  • No, unfortunately Ignite Creativity is not currently in a position to award any funds. We are, however, happy to talk through projects with you and see how the Ignite Creativity network might be able to support you.

  • Ignite Creativity is an organisation focused on the strategic development of the cultural sector for children and young people in Calderdale. This means that our focus is on supporting schools, cultural organisations and practitioners to deliver their activities and widen the accessibility for children and young people, rather than delivering any activities ourselves.

  • We think of cultural education in its broadest sense: if it is an activity that involves an element of culture, arts or creativity then it probably counts as cultural education.

  • Yes, absolutely. We are always happy to help publicise opportunities for children and young people to get involved with cultural education and activities in Calderdale, as well as networking and CPD opportunities for professionals working with children and young people. Please use this form to send us information to circulate in our newsletter, or email Sammi at sammi@ignite-creativity.org.uk.

  • Our focus is currently only activities within Calderdale. However, there are LCEPs in most regions so it is worth contacting your local one. You can view Arts Council England's list of LCEPs across the country here.

  • We'd love to hear from you - please get in touch with our Sammi at sammi@ignite-creativity.org.uk.

  • You can sign up to our mailing list here.

  • For more information, please read our Data Protection and Privacy Policy here.